Level Up: Advanced 5th Edition

I have a new side hustle: I’m one of the lead designers on Level Up, a new 5e-compatible tabletop RPG being developed by the folks at enworld. My guess is they must have seen my article about ewers in D&D and thought, “We want the ewer guy.”

Some of my stuff is up on enworld if you want to read it. I posted a chart-heavy article about damage by character class. You can also download the first levelup playtest packet: I wrote the backgrounds section.

Level Up is the game’s development code name; we haven’t decided the final game’s name yet. My vote is “Ewers and Dragons.”

9 Responses to “Level Up: Advanced 5th Edition”

  1. Spwack says:

    I have no idea how to feel about this. Could this be… the return of 5e into something less awful? I see good things so far, but I dare not hope

  2. bless 5e says:

    So, in the first two years of D&D’s existence, a time over which only a few…..

  3. chill touch says:

    thanks for sharing this valuable link and really love the damage by classes you have explained.

  4. basil says:

    did you ever make the new rollable treasure tables?
    I read through all your awesome posts about it but in the end I just got redirected to an extensive post on the history of ewers in D&D….. I suppose I should be happy!

  5. Matthew Gordon says:

    I love the level up stuff I have read so far. Can’t wait to see the finished product!

  6. AK says:

    Hi! Unrelated to this post, but I love the old Dungeon Robber game on this site—I play it when I’m stressed, and it really helps me wind down. With Flash now out of date, I can’t access it. Is there a good way to play it without Adobe Flash? (I’m on a Mac.)

  7. Artriaxa says:

    Yeah. I had a full ‘Advanced’ town – With a queen – and looks like it’s dead now, even though I went to some effort to reject all the ‘updates’. They got me anyhow.

  8. Ed says:

    I miss reading your thoughtful articles. I hope development of the app is going well and we’ll see both it and your articles again soon.

  9. Russ says:

    Looks like a cool project to be associated with. Congrats!

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